Purpose Retreat 2009 Registration Form


Make Checks Payable to: Purpose Ministry

Mail along with registration form to:

Purpose Ministry
3933 Silverbell Drive Charlotte, NC 28211

For info please call: 704-364-6491 or

No Refunds on Room Deposits Or Registration after September 15, 2009


Name__________________________________________ Roommate____________________

Address__________________________________________ City________________________

State_________ Zip____________ Phone_________________ Cell Phone________________

Email address _____________________________________________________

If your roommate is not your spouse, we need a separate form for that person.

1. Registration Fee is $30.00 per person.......Number of persons_______ x $30 = $________

2. Room Deposit is $35.00 per person...........Number of persons_______ x $35 = $________

Total Enclosed $____________ Cash_________ Check_________

Nights Staying (please check) Friday night____ Saturday night____ Registration only____

Type of Room needed (please check) Single_____ Double _____ Triple_____
(Single room means one person per room......Double means two persons per room etc.)

Lodging Facilities - Terrace Hotel

Per Person Per Day







$ 101.00

$ 57.00

$ 40.00

$ 35.00


$ 28.00

$ 28.00

$ 28.00

$ 28.00


$ 129.00

$ 85.00

$ 68.00

$ 63.00

Add $1.00 per person per day grounds fee.

Meals begin with dinner on Friday evening and
end with lunch on Sunday.

Check out time is 11:00am on Sunday.

No refunds on registration or room deposits
after September 15, 2009.

No changing roommates or location after
October 10, 2009.

Dress is casual. Some people like to wear
"dress" clothes for the final service on Sunday.

Walk-in's are Welcome!

Cost is $10.00 Per Person Per Session





Schedule of Events 

Friday, October 16, 2009 

  3:00 - 7:00 pm     Registration
Terrace Hotel
  5:30 - 7:00 pm     Dinner
          7:30 pm    Dr. Argile Smith

Saturday, October 17, 2009

  7:30 - 8:30 am     Breakfast
  8:00 - 8:30 am     Registration-Harrell Center
8:45 am    Dr. Argile Smith 10:30 am    Rev. Mike Atkins       
  12:00 - 1:30 pm    Lunch
   1:30 - 5:30 pm  Free Time
   5:30 - 7:00 pm    Dinner
           7:30 pm    Rev. Mike Atkins
Sunday, October 18, 2009
   7:30 - 8:30 am    Breakfast
           9:00 am   
Rev. Mike Atkins
                           Communion Service 12:00 – 1:30 pm    Lunch 

Room & Meals - Terrace Hotel

Services are held in the Harrell Center